Doutoramento em Química Sustentável


Doutoramento em Química Sustentável

This PhD Programme started in 2009/2010, and it is currently a joint degree of the University of Aveiro, University NOVA Lisbon and the University of Porto.
The number of ECTS needed to obtain the degree is 240, meaning the normal duration is four lective years. The fees charged may depend on the University where the main supervisor of the thesis work belong. They are now 2750 € per year.


The Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Chemistry is hosted by three top Portuguese Universities. The staff members involved in the Programme form a large network of chemists, biochemists, pharmacists and chemical engineers, dedicated to the development of Sustainable/ Green Chemistry.
Sustainable Chemistry is the new name of Industrial Chemistry. As presented by SusChem (, the European Chemical Industry Technological Platform, Sustainable Chemistry has an encompassing nature, covering aspects of different areas of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, and White Biotechnology.
Sustainable Chemistry is thus contributing to tackling some of the main challenges presented to chemistry in the 21st century.
This Programme covers subjects as diverse as synthesis and manufacturing; protection of individuals and analytical chemistry; computational chemistry, theory and molecular design; biochemistry; drug design, materials science, biomaterials and nanotechnology; environmental chemistry; energy and chemical engineering. Graduates will specialise in one these areas. They will arrive at the job market at a time when strong demand for graduates in Sustainable/ Green Chemistry programmes is expected, from both industry and academy.



Tuition fee

Portuguese students:

2.750€/ anual

Foreign students:

2.750€/ anual

Entrance requirements for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies for 2024/2025:

(As candidaturas decorrem na Universidade do Porto. Mais informação aqui.)

Admission rules:

PDQS aims at recruiting students with: (a) a successfully accomplished Masters degree in any area of Science and Technology with a sufficient Chemistry content; (b) the intellectual maturity to be able to put forward the foundations of a well designed career plan; (c) the passion to perform research in one of the fields of Sustainable Chemistry.
PDQS will welcome diversity and it will recruit internationally as much as possible.
This program does not confer doctoral fellowships and only concerns academic enrolment of the candidates. For applying for fellowships, the candidates must find external funding. (FCT fellowships, research center e.g. LAQV fellowships, etc). 

Admission criteria

Candidates with a Masters degree in any area of Science and Technology, with at least 18 (Bologna) credits in Chemistry or equivalent subjects, are admitted to the annual call for candidates. Although there is no major cut-off related to the background of the candidates, a solid knowledge of English language is mandatory, as well as a minimum knowledge of Engineering/Scientific methodologies with a Grade-Point Average in engineering and science areas equal or higher to 14/20 (Portuguese Scale or equivalent by conversion in case of foreign candidates).


The process of selecting and ranking applicants is carried out by the Coordination Committee, with a few added members of the Scientific Council.  External experts may be added to the Committee, whenever necessary. It involves a careful analysis of each candidate's curriculum vitae, including the  academic background ( degree and eventually  GPA score), scientific experience,  letter of motivation and  reference letters, and, finally, demonstration of funding to support the fees.

Course coordinator:

Professora Ana Aguiar Ricardo

Accreditation and Registration

A3ES - Publication date of the accreditation decision: 25/08/2022

Period of validity of the accreditation: 6 years from 31/07/2022

DGES - Registration number R/A-Cr 216/2022 on 03/10/2022

About the Departamento de Química

O Departamento de Química (DQ) constitui uma unidade de ensino e de investigação da NOVA FCT vocacionada para a qualidade do ensino, o progresso da investigação e a prestação de serviços especializados à comunidade nas áreas fundamentais da Química, Engenharia Química e Bioquímica e Biofísica. O DQ, criado em 1981, tem reconhecida implementação no mercado de ensino e de trabalho, em particular devido à então novidade e especificidade introduzida pela Licenciatura em Química Aplicada, com o qual se iniciou o ensino da Química na Faculdade.

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