Quando os docentes indicados nos acordos já não se encontram na NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA (seja qual for o motivo), a responsabilidade dos acordos passa para o Coordenador Erasmus do Departamento.
Algumas Universidades de Acolhimento sofreram reestruturações, como tal é normal que o nome e o código de alguma Universidade não coincidam com o que está indicado na cópia do acordo.
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Technische Universität Dresden | D DRESDEN02 | 052 Environment |
Áustria | Universität für Bodenkultur Wien | A WIEN03 | 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction |
Bélgica | Université Libre de Bruxelles | B-BRUXEL04 | 052 Environment |
Espanha | Universidad de Málaga | E MALAGA01 | 0521 Environmental Sciences |
Espanha | Universitat Rovira i Virgili | E TARRAGO01 | 0532 Earth Science |
Holanda | Universiteit Utrecht | NL UTRECHT01 | 052 Environment |
Itália | Politecnico di Milano | I MILANO02 | 0731 Architecture and town planning |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Padova | I PADOVA01 | 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction |
Noruega | Universitetet i Bergen | N BERGEN01 | 0521 Environmental Sciences |
Polónia | Politechnika Warszawska (Fac. Environmental Eng) | PL WARSZAW02 | 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction |
Polónia | Politechnika Warszawska (Fac. Environmental Eng) | PL WARSZAW02 | 052 Environment |
Suécia | University of Gävle | S GAVLE01 | 052 Environment |
Suiça | Université de Genève | CH GENEVE01 | 052 Environment |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern, Univ. Applied Sciences | D KAISERS02 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Alemanha | Paderborn University | D PADERBO01 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Espanha | Universidad de Huelva | E HUELVA01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Espanha | Universidad de Huelva | E HUELVA01 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Espanha | Universidad de Sevilla | E SEVILLA01 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Espanha | Universidad de Valladolid (F. Ciencias) | E VALLADO01 | 0533 Physics |
Espanha | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ETSETB) | E BARCELO03 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
França | Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - ENSIACET | F TOULOUS28 | 072 Manufacturing and Processing |
França | Université d' Orléans (Eng. School) | F ORLEANS01 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
França | Université de Nantes | F NANTES01 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Grécia | Hellenic Mediterranean University | G KRITIS05 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Grécia | University of West Attica | G EGALEO02 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Itália | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna | I BOLOGNA01 | 0533 Physics |
Itália | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna | I BOLOGNA01 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Itália | Politecnico di Torino | I TORINO02 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Polónia | Kazimierz Wielki University | PL BYDGOSZ01 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Polónia | Politechnika Wroclawska (F. Fundam. Problems Technology) | PL WROCLAW02 | 0533 Physics |
Roménia | Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati (F Mechanical Eng.) | RO GALATI01 | 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction |
Roménia | Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati (F Mechanical Eng.) | RO GALATI01 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Roménia | Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati (F Mechanical Eng.) | RO GALATI01 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Roménia | Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati (F Metallurgy, Materials Sc. & Envi.) | RO GALATI01 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Roménia | Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti (F. Applied Sciences) | RO BUCURES11 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Roménia | Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara | RO TIMISOA04 | 072 Manufacturing and Processing |
Roménia | Universitatea Tehnica 'Gh. Asachi' din Iasi | RO IASI05 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Turquia | Istanbul Technical University | TR ISTANBU04 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Turquia | Özyegin University | TR ISTANBU31 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Áustria | Akademie der Bildenden Kunste Wien | A WIEN06 | 0222 History and Archaeology |
Croácia | University of Split | HR SPLIT01 | 021 Arts |
Espanha | Escuela Superior de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales de Aragón | E HUESCA12 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
França | Institut National du Patrimoine (Dept Conservators of Cultural Heritage) | F SAINT-D01 | 0222 History and Archaeology |
Itália | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (Dept Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics) | I VENEZIA01 | 0222 History and Archaeology |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 021 Arts |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Urbino | I URBINO01 | 021 Arts |
República Checa | Vysoká Skola Chemicko - Technologická v Praze | CZ PRAHA01 | 0722 Materials (glass, paper, plastic and wood) |
Suíça | Bern Academy of the Arts | CH BERN11 | 0222 History and Archaeology |
Suíça | Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale | CH DELEMON02 | 0219 Arts, not elsewhere classified |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Espanha | Universitat de Valencia | E VALENCIA01 | 0541 Mathematics |
Holanda | Eindhoven University of Technology | NL EINDHOV17 | 031 Social and behavioural Sciences |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | D MUNSTER01 | 0532 Earth Science |
Bulgária | Agricultural University - Plovdiv | BG PLOVDIV01 | 051 Biological and related sciences (só para mobilidades de estágio e de staff) |
Bulgária | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Institute Plant Physiology Genetics) | BG SOFIA30 | 0511 Biology |
Croácia | Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek - UNIOS | HR OSIJEK01 | 081 Agriculture |
Espanha | Universidad de Zaragoza (F. Ciencias) | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0532 Earth Science |
Grécia | University of Patras | G PATRA01 | 0721 Food Processing |
Hungria | Eszterházy Károly Tanárképzö Föiskola | HU EGER01 | 0532 Earth Science |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Foggia | I FOGGIA03 | 0811 Crop and livestock production |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Foggia | I FOGGIA03 | 0812 Horticulture |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Foggia | I FOGGIA03 | 0821 Forestry |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Foggia | I FOGGIA03 | 0721 Food Processing |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Foggia | I FOGGIA03 | 0831 Fisheries |
Turquia | Ankara University | TR ANKARA01 | 0532 Earth Science |
Turquia | Sabanci University | TR ISTANBU20 | 051 Biological and related sciences |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | D BOCHUM01 | 0511 Biology |
Espanha | Universidad de Extremadura | E BADAJOZ01 | 051 Biological and related sciences |
Espanha | Universitat de Barcelona (Facultat de Biologia) | E BARCELO01 | 051 Biological and related sciences |
França | Université de Cergy - Pontoise | F CERGY07 | 0511 Biology |
Sérvia | Educons University | RS NOVISAD04 | 0511 Biology |
Sérvia | Educons University | RS NOVISAD04 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Technische Universität Dresden (Instit. für Massiv Bau) | D DRESDEN02 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Croácia | University of Split | HR SPLIT01 | 073 Architecture and Construction |
Espanha | Universidad de A Coruña | E LA-CORU01 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Espanha | Universidad de Granada (ETSICCP) | E GRANADA01 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Hungria | Budapesti Muszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem | HU BUDAPES02 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Itália | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna | I BOLOGNA01 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Noruega | OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University (Fac Technology, Art and Design) | N OSLO60 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Polónia | Politechnika Krakowska (F. Civil Eng.) | PL KRAKOW03 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Polónia | Politechnika Warszawska (Fac. Civil Eng.) | PL WARSZAW02 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Polónia | Politechnika Wroclawska (F. Civil Engineering) | PL WROCLAW02 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
República Checa | Ceské Vysoké Ucení Technické V Praze - Fakulta Stavební | CZ PRAHA10 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
República Checa | Zapadoceska Univerzita V Plzni (Fakulta Aplikovanych Ved) | CZ PLZEN01 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Roménia | Universitatea Tehnica 'Gh. Asachi' din Iasi | RO IASI05 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Roménia | Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca | RO CLUJNAP05 | 0732 Building and Civil Engineering |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Cologne University of Applied Sciences | D KOLN04 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Alemanha | Technische Universitaet Ilmenau | D ILMENAU01 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Espanha | Universidad de Vigo (University College Industrial Eng) | E VIGO01 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Espanha | Universidade da Coruña (Escuela Universitaria Politecnica) | E LA-CORU01 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Espanha | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ETSETB) | E BARCELO03 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Espanha | Universitat Politècnica de València - EPSA | E VALENCI02 | 0688 ICTs |
França | Université de Lorraine - TELECOM | F NANCY43 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Grécia | Technical University of Crete (Schoool of Electronic & Computer Eng) | G KRITIS09 | 0914 Medical diagnostic and treatment technology |
Hungria | Óbuda University (F. Electrical Engineering) | HU BUDAPES16 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIARI01 | 0914 Medical diagnostic and treatment technology |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIARI01 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIARI01 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Polónia | AGH University Science Technology (F. Comp. Sc. Electr. Tel) | PL KRAKOW02 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Polónia | AGH University Science Technology (F. Elect. Eng Automatics Comp. Sc Biomedical Eng) | PL KRAKOW02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Polónia | AGH University Science Technology (F. Elect. Eng Automatics Comp. Sc Biomedical Eng) | PL KRAKOW02 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Polónia | AGH University Science Technology (F. Elect. Eng Automatics Comp. Sc Biomedical Eng) | PL KRAKOW02 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Polónia | AGH University Science Technology (F. Physics Applied Comp. Sc) | PL KRAKOW02 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Polónia | AGH University Science Technology (F. Physics Applied Comp. Sc) | PL KRAKOW02 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Polónia | AGH University Science Technology (F. Physics Applied Comp. Sc) | PL KRAKOW02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Polónia | Politechnika Poznanska (Faculty of Electronic Engineering) | PL POZNAN02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Polónia | Politechnika Wroclawska | PL WROCLAW02 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Polónia | Uniwersytet Zielonogórski | PL ZIELONA01 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Roménia | 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia | RO ALBAIU01 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Roménia | 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia | RO ALBAIU01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Roménia | Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti (F. Automatic Control Comp. Sc.) | RO BUCURES11 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Roménia | Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti (F. Automatic Control Computer Sc.) | RO BUCURES11 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Turquia | Bulent Ecevit University | TR ZONGULD01 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Turquia | Hacettepe Universitesi | TR ANKARA03 | 0713 Electricity and Energy |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Hochschule Emden/Leer - Univ. Applied Sciences (F. Technology) | D EMDEN02 | 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction |
Alemanha | University of Bremen (F. Production/Industrial Eng.) | D BREMEN01 | 072 Manufacturing and Processing |
Áustria | Technische Universitat Wien | A WIEN02 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Bulgária | Technical University of Sofia - Faculty of Machine and Technology | BG SOFIA16 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Bulgária | Technical University of Sofia - Faculty of Machine and Technology | BG SOFIA16 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Espanha | Universidad de Extremadura | E BADAJOZ01 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Espanha | Universidad de Navarra (School of Engineering - TECNUN) | E PAMPLON01 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Espanha | Universidad de Oviedo | E OVIEDO01 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Espanha | Universidad de Valladolid (E. Ingenierías Industriales) | E VALLADO01 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Espanha | Universidad de Vigo | E VIGO01 | 071 Engineering and Engineering Trades |
Espanha | Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena | E MURCIA04 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Espanha | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSI Industriales) | E MADRID05 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Espanha | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ETSEIB) | E BARCELO03 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Finlândia | Lappeenranta University of Technology | SF LAPPEEN01 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Finlândia | Vaasan Yliopisto | SF VAASA01 | 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction |
França | Clermont Auvergne Institut National Polytechnique | F AUBIERE04 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
França | Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne | F ST-ETIE06 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
França | Université de Lorraine – ENSGSI | F NANCY43 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
França | Université de Technologie de Belford-Montbeliard | F BELFORT06 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Itália | Politecnico di Milano | I MILANO02 | 072 Manufacturing and Processing |
Itália | Politecnico di Milano | I MILANO02 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Itália | Università degli Studi dell'Aquila | I L-AQUIL01 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 072 Manufacturing and Processing |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Roma Tre | I ROMA16 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Polónia | Politechnika Warszawska (Fac. Management) | PL WARSZAW02 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Polónia | Politechnika Warszawska (Fac. Management) | PL WARSZAW02 | 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction |
Roménia | Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati (F.Mechanical Eng) | RO GALATI01 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Roménia | Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din Galati (F.Mechanical Eng) | RO GALATI01 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Roménia | Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti (F. Mechanical Eng Mechatronics) | RO BUCURES11 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Roménia | Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov (F. Mechanical Eng.) | RO BRASOV01 | 0715 Mechanics and metal trades |
Turquia | Atatürk Üniversitesi | TR ERZURUM01 | 072 Manufacturing and Processing |
Turquia | Hacettepe Universitesi | TR ANKARA03 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Turquia | Necmettin Erbakan University | TR KONYA04 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Ruprecht-Karls Universitaet Heidelberg | D HEIDELB01 | 0533 Physics |
Alemanha | Technische Universität Darmstadt | D DARMSTA01 | 0533 Physics |
Alemanha | Universität Ulm | D ULM01 | 0533 Physics |
Alemanha | University of Oldenburg | D OLDENBU01 | 0533 Physics |
Áustria | Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Institut of Physics) | A LEOBEN01 | 0533 Physics |
Bélgica | Université Libre de Bruxelles | B-BRUXEL04 | 0533 Physics |
Espanha | Universidad de Oviedo | E OVIEDO01 | 0533 Physics |
Finlândia | University of Oulu (Faculty of Medicine, Medical Technology) | SF OULU01 | 0914 Medical diagnostic and treatment technology |
França | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 0533 Physics |
França | Université de Paris Cité | F PARIS482 | 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction |
França | Université Paris Cité | F PARIS482 | 0533 Physics |
Holanda | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | NL GRONING01 | 0914 Medical diagnostic and treatment technology |
Holanda | University of Twente (Fac. Sciences Technology) | NL ENSCHEDE01 | 0533 Physics |
Holanda | University of Twente (Fac. Sciences Technology) | NL ENSCHEDE01 | 0914 Medical diagnostic and treatment technology |
Itália | Politecnico di Milano | I MILANO02 | 0533 Physics |
Itália | Politecnico di Milano | I MILANO02 | 07 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction |
Itália | Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli | I NAPOLI09 | 0533 Physics |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Palermo | I PALERMO01 | 0914 Medical diagnostic and treatment technology |
Itália | Università di Pisa | I PISA01 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Polónia | Politechnika Poznanska (Faculty of Technical Physics) | PL POZNAN02 | 0533 Physics |
Polónia | Szczecin University (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics) | PL SZCZECI01 | 0533 Physics |
Sérvia | University of Belgrade | RS BELGRAD02 | 0533 Physics (só para mobilidade de staff) |
Turquia | Istanbul Technical University | TR ISTANBU04 | 0533 Physics |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (F. Mathematics Computer Science) | D GOTTING01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Alemanha | Technische Universität Dresden | D DRESDEN02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Alemanha | Universität Koblenz-Landau | D KOBLENZ02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Alemanha | Universität Osnabrück | D OSNABRU01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Alemanha | Universität Potsdam (Institut für Informatik) | D POTSDAM01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Eslováquia | Univerzita Komenského V Bratislave (F. Mathem. Physics Informat) | SK BRATISL02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Espanha | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | E MADRID04 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Espanha | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | E MADRID04 | 0714 Electronics and Automation |
Espanha | Universidad de A Coruña | E LA-CORU01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Espanha | Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (ESIIAB) | E CIUDAR01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Espanha | Universidad de Murcia | E MURCIA01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Espanha | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Higher Techn. Eng. School) | E SANTIAG01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Espanha | Universidad de Sevilla | E SEVILLA01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Espanha | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSIINF) | E MADRID05 | 054 Mathematics and statistics |
Espanha | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSIINF) | E MADRID05 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Espanha | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Espanha | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | E BARCELO15 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
França | Université de Franche-Comté | F BESANCO01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
França | Universite Grenoble Alpes (UFR IM2AG) | F GRENOBL55 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Grécia | University of West Attica | G EGALEO02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Itália | Alma Mater Studiorum – Universitá di Bologna | I BOLOGNA01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | I FERRARA01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Itália | Università di Pisa - Dep.Computer Science | I PISA01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Itália | Università di Pisa - Dep.Computer Science | I PISA01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Polónia | Bialystok Technical University (F.Computer Science) | PL BIALYST01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Polónia | Politechnika Poznanska (Faculty of Computing) | PL POZNAN02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Polónia | Politechnika Poznanska (Institute of Automatics and Robotics) | PL POZNAN02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Polónia | Politechnika Poznanska (Institute of Automatics and Robotics) | PL POZNAN02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Polónia | Politechnika Wroclawska | PL WROCLAW02 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
República Checa | Brno University of Technology (F. Information Techn.) | CZ BRNO01 | 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen | D TUBINGE01 | 0541 Mathematics |
Alemanha | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | D GOTTING01 | 0541 Mathematics |
Alemanha | Technische Universität Berlin | D BERLIN02 | 0541 Mathematics |
Alemanha | Technische Universität Darmstadt | D DARMSTA01 | 0541 Mathematics |
Alemanha | Universität Bremen | D BREMEN01 | 0111 Education Science |
Alemanha | Universität Potsdam | D POTSDAM01 | 054 Mathematics and statistics |
Bulgária | South-West University "Neofit Rilski" | BG BLAGOEV02 | 054 Mathematics and statistics |
Espanha | Universidad Complutense de Madrid (F. Ciencias Economicas) | E MADRID03 | 054 Mathematics and statistics |
Espanha | Universidad de Murcia | E MURCIA01 | 0541 Mathematics |
Espanha | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 0541 Mathematics |
Itália | Politecnico di Milano | I MILANO02 | 054 Mathematics and statistics |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro | I BARI01 | 0111 Education Science |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II | I NAPOLI01 | 0541 Mathematics |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Perugia | I PERUGIA01 | 0541 Mathematics |
Itália | University of Calabria (Dept Economics, Statistics and Finance) | I COSENZA01 | 054 Mathematics and statistics |
Polónia | Lodz University of Technology | PL LODZ02 | 054 Mathematics and statistics |
Polónia | Szczecin University (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics) | PL SZCZECI01 | 0541 Mathematics |
Turquia | Cankiri Karatekin University | TR CANKIRI01 | 0588 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, inter-disciplinary programmes |
Turquia | Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi | TR IZMIR01 | 054 Mathematics and statistics |
Turquia | Ege University (Faculty of Science) | TR IZMIR02 | 0542 Statistics |
Turquia | Mimar Sinai Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi | TR ISTANBU06 | 0542 Statistics |
Country | Receiving University | Erasmus Code | Study Area |
Alemanha | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | D JENA01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Alemanha | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | D JENA01 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Alemanha | Hochschule Merseburg (Fac Engineering Natural Sciences) | D MERSEB02 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Alemanha | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | D MUNCHEN01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Alemanha | Otto-Von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (FVST) | D MAGDEBU01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Alemanha | Universität Leipzig | D LEIPZIG01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Bélgica | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (F Bioscience Engineering) | B LEUVEN01 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Bélgica | Université de Liège | B LIEGE01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Bulgária | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Institute Organic Chemistry with Centre Phytochemistry) | BG SOFIA30 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | E MADRID04 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universidad Complutense de Madrid (F. Química) | E MADRID03 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universidad Complutense de Madrid (F. Química) | E MADRID03 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Espanha | Universidad de Alicante (Fac Ciencias) | E ALICANT01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universidad de Almería | E ALMERÍA01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Espanha | Universidad de Almería | E ALMERÍA01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universidad de Cádiz | E CADIZ01 | 052 Environment |
Espanha | Universidad de Extremadura | E BADAJOZ01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Espanha | Universidad de Extremadura | E BADAJOZ01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universidad de Jaén | E JAEN01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universidad de León | E LEON01 | 051 Biological and related sciences |
Espanha | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Faculty of Pharmacy) | E SANTIAG01 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Espanha | Universidad de Zaragoza | E ZARAGOZ01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Espanha | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | E BILBAO01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Espanha | Universidade de Vigo | E VIGO01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Espanha | Universidade de Vigo | E VIGO01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | E BARCELO02 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universitat de Barcelona (Facultat de Química) | E BARCELO01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Espanha | Universitat de Barcelona (Facultat de Química) | E BARCELO01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
França | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
França | Sorbonne Université | F PARIS468 | 0531 Chemistry |
França | Université de Pau et des Pays de L'Adour | F PAU01 | 0531 Chemistry |
França | Université de Rennes 1 | F RENNES01 | 0531 Chemistry |
França | Université de Strasbourg | F STRASBO048 | 0531 Chemistry |
França | Université Paris-Est Créteil - Val de Marne (F. Sc. & Technology | F PARIS012 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
França | Université Paris-Est Créteil - Val de Marne (F. Sc. & Technology | F PARIS012 | 0531 Chemistry |
França | Université Paris-Saclay | F PARIS481 | 0531 Chemistry |
Grécia | Agricultural University of Athens (Dpt Biotechnology) | G ATHINE03 | 0511 Biology |
Grécia | Agricultural University of Athens (Dpt Biotechnology) | G ATHINE03 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Holanda | Technische Universiteit Delft (Faculty of Applied Sciences) | NL DELFT01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Holanda | University of Twente (Fac. Sciences Technology) | NL ENSCHEDE01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Itália | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna | I BOLOGNA01 | 08 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary |
Itália | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna | I BOLOGNA01 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Itália | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna | I BOLOGNA01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Itália | Università degli Studi dell'Aquila | I L-AQUIL01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Itália | Università degli Studi dell'Aquila | I L-AQUIL01 | 051 Biological and related sciences |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIAR01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | I CAGLIAR01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Catania | I CATANIA01 | 081 Agriculture |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Foggia | I FOGGIA03 | 08 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Foggia | I FOGGIA03 | 0721 Food Processing |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia | I MODENA01 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Pavia | I PAVIA01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (Sc. matematiche, fisiche e natural) | I ROMA01 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Itália | Università degli Studi di Torino | I TORINO01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Itália | Università degli Studi Piemonte Orientale Amadeo Avogadro | I-VERCELL01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Itália | Università di Pisa | I PISA01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Polónia | Lodz University of Technology | PL LODZ02 | 0531 Chemistry |
Polónia | Lodz University of Technology | PL LODZ02 | 0531 Chemistry |
Polónia | Lodz University of Technology | PL LODZ02 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Polónia | Politechnika Gdanska (Faculty Civil and Environmental Eng) | PL GDANSKA02 | 071 Engineering and Engineering trades |
Polónia | Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika (UMK) (Fac Chemistry) | PL TORUN01 | 0531 Chemistry |
República Checa | Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Siences | CZ PRAHA07 | 0531 Chemistry |
República Checa | Vysoká Skola Banska - Technická Univerzita Ostrava | CZ OSTRAVA01 | 052 Environment |
República Checa | Vysoká Skola Banska - Technická Univerzita Ostrava | CZ OSTRAVA01 | 0532 Earth Science |
Roménia | Transilvania University of Brasov (Faculty Medicine) | RO BRASOV01 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Roménia | Transilvania University of Brasov (Faculty Medicine) | RO BRASOV01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Roménia | Universitatea Babes-Bolyai (Facultatea de Fizica) | RO CLUJNAP01 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Roménia | Universitatea Babes-Bolyai (Facultatea de Fizica) | RO CLUJNAP01 | 0531 Chemistry |
Roménia | Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti (F. Applied Sciences) | RO BUCURES11 | 0512 Biochemistry |
Roménia | Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti (F. Applied Sciences) | RO BUCURES11 | 0531 Chemistry |
Turquia | Namik Kemal University - N.K.Ü Çorlu Eng. Faculty | TR TEKIRDA01 | 0711 Chemical Engineering and processes |