por Miguel Neiva
Palestra no âmbito da assinatura do protocolo entre a FCT/UNL e a ColorADD
10 de Outubro | 14h
Auditório da Biblioteca da FCT/UNL
The PhD students and Mauro Guerra Pedro Amaro, and their supervisor José Paulo Santos, of the CFA-FCT and Department of Physics of FCT published in Physical Review Letters the results of the most accurate, reference-free, measurement of the M1 transition in highly charged ions with an accuracy of 2.5 ppm.
Candidates from all over the worl may apply to this Master. However, there are differences between European and Non-european candidates scholarships.
More information available at
Project FCT/73100LDA, "Process for the production of EPS-fuc polymer by Enterobacter A47"
Inaugural Lecture "Programming the Turing Machine", by Prof. Barbara Liskov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
October, 3th, 2012 - 14h30m (Main Auditorium FCT/UNL)
It is open to award of a research grant for the project Master R & D SKIN2: a bio-synthetic second skin, designed to treat extensive burns, PTDC/SAU-BMA/109886/2009, financed by national funds by FCT / MEC (PIDDAC).
O CENSE realiza o seu encontro anual no dia 12 de Outubro, na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, este ano com o tema Cenários Futuros Ambiente-Economia-Energia (http://eventos.fct.unl.pt/e3w).