

Luís Pereira elected Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Mobilising Agenda "From Fossil to Forest"


Luís Pereira, professor at the Department of Materials Science, researcher at Cenimat and Scientific and Technical Director of the AlmaScience CoLab, was unanimously elected, on 26 January 26th last, as President of the Advisory Board of the "From Fossil to Forest" Consortium.

The project is framed in the Recovery and Resilience Plan, within the scope of the Green Agenda for Business Innovation, and aims to develop, patent, produce and market innovative wrapping solutions that replace the current fossil-based plastic packaging, namely the single-use, by renewable and biodegradable materials from the forest, therefore allowing the construction of a sustainable future.

Luís Pereira now assumes the role of Chairman of the Advisory Board, which will monitor, in a holistic way, all the activities taking place within the scope of the agenda and propose synergies, actions to disseminate the results and discuss the agenda's strategic guidelines with the directive board.

The consortium, coordinated by NAVIGATOR and of which NOVA School of Science and Technology is a partner, has a total budget of 118.6 million euros and foresees the creation of 102 new jobs, 49 of which highly qualified.

This election, which took place at the premises of Mitrena, Setúbal, confirmed the recognition of its competences in the research area.